Home Lab

Having a home lab gives me the freedom to do almost anything! Asset tracking, project planning, file storage, and more…

Hypervisor: Proxmox

Proxmox lets me host virtually anything I can imagine. Many of my hosts are Linux containers for web-based applications.

Most Notable Services

NetBox: Rack / Network Management

NetBox is a great tool to track any/all networked devices that live inside a rack. It’s key feature for me is being able to virtually connect ports on devices, so I can see exactly where something is plugged in without having to physically trace cables.

Snipe-IT: Asset Management & Tracking

Snipe-IT allows me to create entries for all of my assets. The most important aspect is being able to track physical locations. The generation of QR codes helps me quickly scan items to update their location, etc. The addition of CloudFlare tunnels has allowed me quick and easy access out in the field where I may not have VPN access.

Zabbix: Equipment Monitoring

Zabbix is a great tool to monitor everything in my home lab. If something goes wrong, I’ll know about it. If the power goes out, my battery backup will kick on, and Zabbix will send me a text via cellular failover.

Galera SQL Manager / MariaDB

Galera helps with managing SQL databases on a high-availability level. It simply sits on top of a regular SQL database instance, but provides a visual interface to help with syncing.

On top of that, having a central SQL host helps when a lot of web-based apps rely on a SQL backend. Having multiple databases on one host is helpful for troubleshooting, and saves the trouble of managing individual hosts for each service.

I have phpmyadmin installed on top of the SQL server so I can easily create new databases and manipulate data if needed.